Sunday, January 18, 2009

semi-sanity. this ones a bit long...

i know. i haven't kept up this weekend. just had stuff going on and by the time i made my way home and sat down at the computer i would pass out. like just out cold. so here is a brief backdrop of what i've done, or rather what i remember as i am sort of out of it due to a mild sun burn and lack of sleep:

friday- woke up at nells, went home, pat came over (i think), watched some house among other things (i think), stopped at volcom and the toy store around this time, where after buying sage's gifts i spent around 37.50 on buying myself a huge and adorable black volcom purse and a sorta matching ish magenta clutch, made some plans, went in to town to complete said plans while it was storming for the mear 30 mins it did (this involved dinner with carlos,rachel, and kelly @ outback, followed by a brief visit to barnes and noble where pat bought a book, and then ending with a very confused trip to safeway), and ending in my room with a kiss goodnight.

saturday- woke up early, didn't feel so good and had to work, but it went by fast because i read my amazing book (which i will speak of later on) and procrastinated and had shipment and was in general just quite busy, then pat came over again, hung out like the day before, went to borders express where i bought a one dollar wall-e calender, two dollar book thongs, and eighty-four cent burts bees lip balm, then stopped at pats so he could get clothes, he dropped me off (and stayed at his moms), and i had an hour and a half melt down, one which i will not go into further detail on.

today- woke up 9ish, traveled over to honokawaii park and set up all the little spider man goodies for sages party, ate a little, people started arriving, went and picked up lesly from town, got back, ate some more, played with the kids, did the pinata, ate some cupcakes, had a water balloon fight, watched a baby, opened presents, played in the current beyond the first reef with pat, got scared, caught fish, got sunburnt, ate mac and cheese, watched 2 hours of house, and pat just left. (btw, sage scored on cool presents, and he even liked the ones we got him)

pretty good, kind of stressful, and full of procrastination. but fun none the less. roxanne reminded me on friday that i really really really need to get on with my FAFSA and my scholarships, or i WON'T be going to college for my own lack of trying. sad isn't it? so hopefully if i have time tomorrow that's what i will start on, also got to remember to get transcripts sent to NAU, pay mom back, get ready to send out WSU app by the 31 with fee waiver (finish that app) and remember to get knew wipers on the other side tomorrow while finishing my senior project. quite a workload if its all layed out....hmm.

well, i really should be getting on with my pre-calc work (i think i mentioned i passed the semester with a B, final with an A!, and quarter 2 with a C) because i have plans with nell and michi tomorrow on the other side, but i want to talk about my book a little bit, at least make a note that is. i've been reading this book called Complications: A surgeon's notes on an imperfect science, by Atul Gawande. it is by far one of the most intriguing books i've read in a very long time. i'm about on pg 115, starting a chapter called "the pain perplex". all the information leading me to this point has been simply awesome. he's such a real writer, i don't know how else to explain it. he takes this entirely complex subject, with so many facets and segways and what not, not to mention the mindbogglingly terminology, and he makes it real and human. he's talked about how they have to be careful with wording, especially at teaching hospitals where residents do most of the procedures, NOT THE EXPERTS, and how difficult that can be because people want the best care but if doctors dont have that first try than there won't be doctors. they've also talked about "bad doctors" and how one can't think of them as perfect, sure they strive for perfection, but they make mistakes. my babel doesn't do the work justice but i definitely recommend it even if one doesn't like medical works, it's actually quite funny at parts, particularly when he goes over research he uncovered while preparing himself for an emergency room shift on friday the thirteenth during a full moon. its a good read so far but i suppose i'll have to give my full opinion, wanted or not, at the end of it considering i got bored with stiff towards the end (stiff was a medical work about what happens to cadavers and such for research, crash tests, medical teachings etc. it's by mary roach and ill probably finish it one day...)

anyway another thing i wanted to talk about was how fun it was with all the little kids today, and i got to play with this super fat little baby named william, my hanai grandpas great great grandson, and he was so fricking adorabel. and, being picture taker for the party, i got some awesome shots of all the kids together and even andy, my dads british friend from liverpool, and his daughter isabella who is about 9 months i think, idk. well, it's probably a subject for another time, like when i can upload the pictures...speaking of which here are some of the shots for my senior project...if anyone is interested. =]

proper restraint..doyle's such a good boy though so it was just for show.

this is little bird. she's a cutie, and was visiting.

ben. they adorable yellow lab who had a fish hook stuck in his foot and wouldn't for the life of him calm down, especially not with a muzzle, when dr. ilgen tried to get it out. he had to be mildly sedated, i think around the time i took this pic.

this is jen, on the left, and dr. miller, doing the surgery. i believe they are removing lumps or something from teh dogs tummy, there are more grotesque pictures but i won't put them up incase someone gets sick...

and this little cutie is fletcher. he's training to be a seeing eye dog or something of that nature and this is a little before he got neutered i believe. he was the cutest sweetest thing in the whole world and i wanted him.

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