Tuesday, January 17, 2012


So nelly showed me this song and it keeps bouncing around in my head so I thought I'd share. 

& this song I just love cause phil wickham is amazing.

& well when has laura marling not been brilliant?

let me know what you think :) hope you enjoy!

movies and books and such

hello semester 2, goodbye life. here's a list of things i would love to have time for... soon, maybe. until then study study study.

Perfect Sense
Midnight in Paris
The Ides of March
The Artist
The Hunger Games

The Screwtape Letters
Crazy Love
Dragonfly in Amber
Redeeming Love
The Sermon on the Mount
A Game of Thrones

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

the carsons.

so for any of you who were wondering, this was annie & spencer's wedding. or at least pieces of it filmed and put together by spencer's youngest brother riley carson. it's beautiful & like i said the wedding was amazing. enjoy!

Spencer & Annie's Wedding from Riley Carson on Vimeo.

Sunday, January 8, 2012


so this break flew by. & i haven't had time to do much of anything regarding updates. so here we go. short and to the point. i start school tomorrow at 8am. annie and spencer's wedding was beyond wonderful and i already miss her and everyone and everything about my little bit of freedom. overwhelmed already but this too shall pass. forgot how to sleep, so that might be a struggle but again i think i'll manage. anywho figured i'd write a short poem since nelly has been bugging me about it for some time and since she is always ever so artistic. gosh do i miss her and home.

'how do you fly?'
sang the blue jay 
'simple' said the dove.
'lift your wings and float away.'
'simple for you' cried the blue jay.
'but how ever do you get so high?'
'isn't it obvious?' the doves reply,
'catch the breeze and touch the sky.'